
Friday, July 13, 2018

Crossing Over

I surprise myself
In my love for you
The simple unconditionality of it
When someone says you are adorable
I laugh
For I know you in a totality
A totality possible for a second consciousness
I see your darkness
I have been the brunt of it.
I have been through nights
When I have hated and despised you
Agonized over your utter selfishness
Petitioned on why, why you couldn't set a better example
I have wished you should have dissipated
Like water vapour
From my canvas
So I could empty myself from unpleasantness of stubborn, stale, talkative memories
But at turn of each of these nights
However long
A day has arrived
Bringing blue, crisp light
Cracking the shiny shell of my black eyes
Giving me ropes to climb out of my melancholy pit
And notice (again) the wider world
Breathe in its incessant creation
Its incessant destruction
Loosening the chords that bind me to you
Widening my canvas (again)
In which I grow smaller
And you,
An extension of me
Grow smaller alongside
And then I have found within me
The ability to laugh
To forgive your fallibility
Your humaness.
Seasons change and years roll
And I witness my love for you
Changing form
It has learned your patterns
It has learned to be silent in face of blatant actions
Only the eyes betray
The twinkle of amusement
And quiet crinks in corner
Soft crinks of tenderness
Soft crinks of a strong, strong love