
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Aaah rain ... !

That first gust of wind. Your colleague exclaiming happily, "rains have arrived!". You are pulled towards the window, inadvertently. It is a gust, a strong gust that shakes leaves, trees and heaves up large swirls of dust. And accompanied is a sweet coolness. And a calming fragrance of some particular tree, something like eucalyptus. Aah! You know, moisture will follow a few, or a few more days later. But for now, a smile has arrived at your lips.
You are happy. Sexy. Romantic. Makes you feel like dialling someone, a lover and sharing this joy. But you are also content smiling to yourself, and sharing with this blog.
Rains, you are awaited with ardour!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Leap

Long ago, in a dew-dipped time, I was born, a thought, in my mother's mind. She nourished and cherished me, and finally, I was born labouring against entropy, against gravity, against sunlight. And yet, there I was, a gurgling jumble of words, naked before the stark light. I crawled, whinnied about. Slowly, I found my a grip. I found commas, semicolons and ellipsis. I found pronouns, adjectives, and conjunctions. I found the strength to move about, to explore and fight my way about. I also learnt happiness, in streaks of shade.
The hardest of my lessons was learning the full stop. And I am yet to learn it fully. But, I am on my way. My shape has formed, and my meaning is in the right direction.
Tomorrow, I shall be taking flight. To an island of dreams. An island where I shall be protected from the hard contours, and yet exposed to new alleyways. Where I could grow wider, lighter, more meaningful. Tomorrow, I shall be making the leap for my dreams.

Dedicated to a Jet Setter about to Make a Huge Leap in Life